Debt is your master, and the power it wields in your life is preventing you from living the life you want! KILL IT AND GET IT OUT OF YOUR LIFE!
About Rob
I'm a Christian university Math instructor and, my wife is a nurse. We live in Winnipeg with our two kids, and for years we felt like we made too much money to be so broke. After changing our paradigms around money, we paid off all our consumer debt ($41k) and built a $21k emergency fund in 25 months. Today I (Rob) strive to help Canadians experience the same massive shift in their finances that we did by pushing people to take their financial lives seriously, and with the responsibility that comes from managing money for God. My mission is to be a powerful and passionate example of the unlimited possibilities financially that are available for anyone that commits their life to living for God and following His principles of wealth building. I will share all the best ideas I've come across and strategies to make a difference in your financial life.